Lower Back Pain and why PSOAS muscles could be the cause?

Everyone’s always talking about CORE fitness and there is no muscle more core than the Psoas muscle (pronounced so-as).

If we think of how our bodies have been designed since our primitive days, we are designed to walk, run, jump and squat … we are NOT designed to sit for long periods of time … fast forward 500 years and most of us spend a large part of day in a seated position … whether sat at a desk, behind the wheel of a car or in front of the television? OR all three in one day and perhaps take an hour or two of the day to do extreme exercise within a gym environment or playing a sport… so how does this impact on your body and what is the long term effects and why are we talking about that SO – AS muscle again?? The Psoas muscle is one of the largest and thickest stabilising muscles and it originates from just below the ribs all along the lower spine area and attaches onto the inside of the leg (femur bone), and is responsible for hip and thigh flexion (bringing your knee up to waist level) and moving your torso side to side .. when you’re sitting for a prolonged period of time , your Psoas is in a shortened position. A lordotic posture brings your lower back forward and therefore causes lower back pain. Read Full Article

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